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Hate Quarantine?
Here's a few "pick me ups"
Find positive resources and activities in every blog post!
” I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I have been.”
― Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne

Hi, We're Ellis, Ashley, and Marielle
As part of a Positive Psychology class project, we are trying to make the world a better place by sharing what we learn in class.
We would like to personally thank everyone who has visited our website so far and helped us with this project. It's because of this support and positive feedback that as a group we have decided to keep up with this website, even though our class has ended. A new post will now go out weekly, and we will be testing out an emailing list for those who wish to receive updates. To read more about how we got started, see the "About" page or click the button below!
Always Makes Me Smile

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